1. Geoethik Konferenz über Klimawandel – Wissenschaft und Geoethik am 8 & 9.9.16 in London

Das Independent Committee in Geoethics (1) führt am 8 & 9.9.16 in London seine erste wissenschaftliche Konferenz zum Thema „Climate Change – Science und Geoethics“ durch. Teilnehmen können alle, die an der wissenschaftlichen Wahrheit über den Klimawandel interessiert sind. Hervorragende Wissenschaftler aus aller Welt haben bereits ihre Teilnahme zugesagt. Konferenzsprache ist Englisch. Der Eintritt ist kostenlos, Spenden jedoch sehr erwünscht. Ort: Main Hall der Conway Hall am Red Lion Square (Holborn).Conway Hall liegt im Zentrum von London udn ist per U-Bahn leicht zu erreichen. Diese Information wird für eine Weile oben „kleben“.



Anyone wanting to participate is very welcome – there is plenty of space.

Register by informing: Nils-Axel Mörner – morner@pog.nu

No registration fee – but voluntary donations are appreciated.


At your own organization or via advice from our event-co-ordinator:

Ross March – R.marsh_al_sabti@hotmail.co.uk

Extended Abstracts & Commentary Notes

This Conference Volume will be posted on ResearchGate well in time before the event.


(may be somewhat adjusted) Thursday 8 September: Natural drivers of climate changes

08.30     Registration (uploading of ppt-files)

08.50     Welcome

Session 1: Planet Earth in the cosmos

09.00     Athem Alsabti: Effects of Nearby Supernovae on Atmosphere and Climate

09.20     Oliver Manuel: Neutron Repulsion *

09.30     Discussion

09.40     Tea and coffee

Session 2: Influence of the Sun and the major planets on the Earth’s climate

10.00     Nils-Axel Mörner: An introduction to planetary-solar-terrestrial interaction

10.10     Roger Tattersall & Richard Salvador: Does solar system orbital motion and resonance synchronize solar variation, LOD and ENSO?

10.20     Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller: A new planetary temperature model and its implication for the Greenhouse theory

10.40     Nicola Scafetta: Multi-frequency spectral coherence between planetary and global surface temperature oscillations

11.00     Jan-Erik Solheim: Ice margins, the Sun and the planets

11.20     Per Strandberg: Drivers of ENSO variability

11.40     Discussion

12:0013.00: Lunch (at your own)

Session 3: Ocean variability

13.00     Fred Goldberg: Are the ocean currents affecting our climate?

13.10     Martin Hovland: Documented pH and temperature anomalies in the deep ocean *

13.30     Wyss Yim: Sub-aerial and submarine volcanic eruptions and climatic variability

13.50     Discussion

Session 4: Natural influences on climate

15.00     Peter Ward: Ozone depletion, not greenhouse warming, caused recent warming *

15.20     Hans Jelbring: The dominant physical processes that cause climate change

15.40     Alex Pope: Ice on land

16.00     Tea and coffee

16.20     Fabio Pistella and Leonello Serva: The CHIC project of ICG

16.50     Discussion

17.00     Close

* Keynote presentations

Friday 9 September: The temperature plot and its consequences

08.30     mingle and uploading of ppt-files

08.50     Welcome

Session 5: The greenhouse effect and anthropogenic global warming

09.00     Jan-Erik Solheim: Result of a greenhouse experiment

09.20     Francois Gervais: Tiny CO2 warming challenged by Earth greening

09.40     Fred Goldberg: Does human CO2 emission change the climate? Faith vs. facts

10.00     Tea and coffee

10.20     Albrecht Glatzle: Reconsidering livestock’s role in climate change *

10.40     Pamela Klein: Is climate science serious?

11.00     Benoît Rittaud: Epistemology of Climate Change

11.20     Piers Corbyn: The total failure of the ManMade Climate Change story

11.40     Discussion

12:00–13.00    Lunch (at your own)

13.00     Thomas Wysmuller: Sea-level rise and CO2

13.20     Maria Araujo: Sea level data in the Iberian Peninsula

13.40     Nils-Axel Mörner: Modelled vs observed sea-level changes

14.00     Discussion

Session 6: Implications of the catastrophist anthropogenic global warming hypothesis

14.10     Madhav Khandekar: Climate change and extreme weather: projection, perception and reality *

14.30     Philip Foster: Climate policy, geoethics and the developing nations

14.50     Christopher Monckton of Brenchley: Genocidal climate science *

15.10     Discussion

15.30     Tea and coffee

15.50     Discussion, conclusions and communiqué

17:00     Close

           * Keynote presentations


We have no founding or extra support. Still, we need support for room-rental, coffee/tea breaks twice a day and other running expenses.

We therefore call for voluntary donations.

The Secretary General (morner@pog.nu] has an account prepared for this. PayPal to his e-mail works well. Directly at the conference is another easy option (but, please, tell me of your intentions so that I know how to manage our budget).

Alle Informationen auch hier  https://geoethic.com/london-conference-2016/


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