Program – 11th International Conference on Climate and Energy

11th International Conference on Climate and Energy

9 – 10 November 2017, Nikko Hotel, Düsseldorf

Thursday, 9 November

8.30 h Registration
10.00 h Introduction: EIKE against the World?
Dr. Holger Thuß
President, Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie (EIKE)
10.30 h US Climate and Energy Policy after 10 Months Trump
Zero Hour for Climate Alarmists?
Marc Morano
Editor in Chief and Director of Communication CFACT
11.15 h The German Energiewende – Germany’s Green Path, between Illusion and Reality,
Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt – angefragt
Ehemaliger Umweltsenator von Hamburg, Co-Autor „Die Kalte Sonne“, Vorstand Deutsche Wildtierstiftung
Measurements vs. Models
12.00 h The bi-polar Climate Swing:
Thermic Counter-Coupling between Arctic and Antarctic
Dipl.-Meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls
Former Director of the States Weather Institutes Essen and Leipzig
12.45 h – 14.15 h Lunch Break – Joint Lunch
14.15 h Rising Sea Levels – Fact and Fiction
Results of latest empirical Studies on Fidji

Prof. em. Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner
Ocenographer, Former Head of Faculty for Paleogeophysics and
Geodynamik at the University Stockholm
15.00 h The Climate Myth and the exponential Fear
Dr. Benoît Rittaud,
Maître de conférences at université Paris-13 Sorbonne Paris Cité“
Präsident climato-réalistes
15.30 h Panel discussion: The Politics of Climate Change

Comparing France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United States
Moderated by Craig Rucker
Pierre Bouteille (Climato-ré
Michael Limburg (EIKE)
Hans Labohm (
Marc Morano (
James Taylor (Spark of Freedom Foundation)

16.15 h – 16.45 h Break
16.45 h Economics, Climate, and Foreign Policy: The Case for American Natural Gas Export
James Taylor
Spark of Freedom Foundation
17.15 h via Skype Threatened by Extinction? – The real Threats for Polar Bears
Dr. Susan Crockford
Evolutionary Biologist and Expert for Polar Bear Populations,
Assistant Professor at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
17.45 h CO2-induced warming vs. increased growth of plants
Prof. em. Dr. Francois Gervais
Université François Rabelais, de Tours, où il enseignait la physique et la science des matériaux
19.00 h Evening Event – Joint Dinner with Dinner Speech
Facing the Green Blacout!
Alexander Wendt,
Journalist and Author

Friday, 10 November

9.00 h Climate Science within EIKE: Latest Research about Climate Cycles
Prof. Dr. Horst Lüdecke
Press Spokesperson, Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie (EIKE)
9.45 h Saving CO2 with compulsory Insulation – Why and how?
Konrad Fischer
Member of the Expert Council, Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie (EIKE)
10.30 h – 11.00 h Break
11.00 h Drivers of the Climate The Influence of Cosmic Rays on Earth Climate
Latest Research and its Relevance for Understanding Climate Change

Prof. Dr. Henrik Svensmark
Centre for Sun-Climate Research, Danish National Space Centre

Prof. Dr. Nir Shaviv
Racah Institute of Physics – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

12.15 h It’s over! Climate change alarm sprang from grave 120-year-old errors
Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley
Dipl.-Ing Michael Limburg
Vizepräsident, Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie (EIKE)
13.00 h   – 14.30 h Lunch Break – Joint Lunch
14.30 h via Skype: Peer Review – Why Scepticism is Essential
Donna Laframboise
Blog, Author of “The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert“, Toronto, Canada
15.00 h Two Years after the Paris Climate Agreement!
Michael Limburg, Dipl.-Ing.
Vice President, Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie (EIKE)
15.30 h Going green in Switzerland? Will Switzerland repeat Germany’s Mistakes?
Elias Meier
President, Freie Landschaft Schweiz
16.15 h – 16.45 h Break
16.45 h Facts instead of Propaganda – How we can reach a ‘real’ Discussion about Mobility
Günter Ederer
Author, Film Producer and Economic Editor
17.30 h Closing Remarks
Wolfgang Müller           
General Secretary, Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie (EIKE)
followed by Reception and the End of the Conference

We reserve the right to change the programme at short notice.
The conference, with the exception of the Dinner Speech are simultaneously interpreted into German-English / English-German.

Read in German