„Klima-Status-Bericht-2018/19“ : Klima-Alarmisten in Nöten !

Hier zunächst die Zusammenfassung aus dem Bericht [1]:

Executive Summary : 10 Key Facts 

(1) According to temperature records from the instrumental period (since about 1850), 2018 was one of the warmest years on record, but cooler than both 2016 and 2017.

(2) At the end of  2018, the average global air temperature is continuing a gradual descent towards the level characterising the years before the strong 2015-16 El-Niño episode. This underscores that the global surface temperature peak of 2015–16 was caused mainly by this Pacific oceanographic phenomenon. It also suggests that what has been termed ‘the temperature pause’, ‘hiatus’, or similar terms, may reestablish itself in the future.

(3) There still appears to be a systematic difference between average global air temperatures estimated by surfacestations and by satellites. Especially since 2003, the average global temperature estimate based on surface stations has deviated from the satellite-based estimate in a warm direction.

(4) The temperature variations recorded in the lower troposphere are generally reflected at higher altitudes also, and the overall temperature ‘pause’ since about 2002 is recorded at all altitudes, including the tropopause and into the stratosphere above. In the stratosphere, however, the temperature ‘pause’ had already commenced by around 1995; that is, 5–7 years before a similar temperature ‘pause’ began in the lower troposphere near the planet’s surface. The stratospheric temperature ‘pause’ has now lasted without interruption for about 24 years.

(5) The recent 2015-16 El Niño was among the strongest since the beginning of the record in 1950. Considering the entire record, however, recent variations between El Niño and La Niña episodes are not unusual.

(6) Since 2004, when the ARGO floats came into operation, the global oceans above 1900m depth have on average warmed somewhat. The maximum warming (between the surface and 120m depth) mainly affects oceans near the equator, where the incoming solar radiation is at a maximum. In contrast, net cooling has been pronounced for the North Atlantic since 2004.

(7) Data from tide gauges all over the world suggest an average global sea-level rise of 1- 1.5 mm/year, while the satellite record suggests a rise of about 3.2 mm/year. The large difference between the two data sets still has no broadly accepted explanation.

(8) Since 1979, Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extent have decreased and increased, respectively. Superimposed on these overall trends, however, variations of shorter duration are also important. In the Arctic, a 5.3-year periodic variation is important, while for the Antarctic a variation of about 4.5-years’ duration is seen. Both these cycles reached their minima simultaneously in 2016, which explains the simultaneous minimum in global sea ice extent. A new phase, with development towards larger ice extent in both hemispheres, may now have begun.

(9) The Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent has undergone important local and regional variations from year to year. The overall global tendency since 1972, however, is for overall stable snow extent.

(10) Tropical storm and Hurricane Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) values since 1970 have displayed large variations from year to year, but no overall trend towards either lower or higher activity. The same applies for the number of hurricane landfalls in the continental United States, for which the record begins in 1851.


Diese umfassende und tiefgreifende Übersicht über das Klima-System wird illustriert durch zahlreiche Graphiken und Abbildungen.

Davon sei hier eine kleine(!) Auswahl präsentiert. Die Original-Graphiken wurden hier von uns zur Veranschaulichung durch einige Textfelder und sonstige kleine Erläuterungen ergänzt. Daher sind sie „selbst-erklärend“. Weitere „Ausführungen“ zu jeder Graphik findet man anschaulich und verständlich in der Originalarbeit [1].


Luft – T e m p e r a t u r :

„At the end of  2018, the average global air temperature is continuing a gradual descent towards the level characterising the years before the strong 2015-16 El-Niño episode. This underscores that the global surface temperature peak               of  2015–16 was caused mainly by this Pacific oceanographic phenomenon. It also suggests that what has been termed ‘the temperature pause’, ‘hiatus’, or similar terms, may reestablish itself in the future.“

Schnee – Bedeckung : Kein Trend !


Meeres-Anstieg : Keine Beschleunigung, kein „CO2-Signal“ !

„Data from tide gaugesall over the world suggest an average global sea-level rise of 1–1.5 mm/year, while the satellite-derived record (Figure 30) suggests a rise of 3,2 mm/year, or more. The noticeable difference (at least 1:2) between the two data sets has no broadly accepted explanation.“

H u r r i k a n e : Kein Trend !

„The number of hurricane landfalls in the continental United States is shown in Figure 41. Over the observational period, this data series shows considerable variations from year to year, but it is not possible to detect any clear trend over time.“

Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) : Kein Trend !

ACE is calculated as the square of the wind speed every 6 hours and is then scaled by a factor of 10,000 for usability, using a unit of 104 knots. The ACE of a season is the sum of the ACE for each storm and therefore represents the total hurricane activity.“

„The global ACE data display a variable pattern over time (Figure 38), but without any clear trendThe diagrams for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (Figure 39) are similar in this respect.“

Wind an der Nordsee : Kein „CO2-Signal“ !

„One example from north-west Europe is Lista Lighthouse, which sits on an exposed cape at the extreme southwestern edge of the mainland of Norway. It is thus well suited to register wind conditions in the adjoining North Sea and the European sector of the North Atlantic.… The peak wind strengths were recorded shortly after World War II, and strengths have since declined somewhat.“

Luft-Feuchte [g/kg:

Es gibt keinen einheitlichen Trend – weder in den Höhenstufen noch auf der Zeitachse.


F a z i t :

Wie kann irgend jemand aus dieser nahezu lückenlosen Übersicht in der ausführlichen Originalarbeit [1zum Sachstand und den Trends der Klimadaten

eine „CO2-Klima-Katastrophe“ ableiten ? RÄTSELHAFT !

Das bleibt das Geheimnis der Klima-Alarmisten und der ihnen ergebenen Politiker und Medien !


Q u e l l e :

[1]  THE STATE OF THE CLIMATE 2018; ISBN 978-1-9160700-0-4©Copyright 2019;

The Global Warming Policy Foundation, GWPF-Report 34 ; http://tinyurl.com/y3u3qfco


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