9. Internationale Konferenz über den Klimawandel in Las Vegas

Come to fabulous Las Vegas to meet leading scientists from around the world who question whether “man-made global warming” will be harmful to plants, animals, or human welfare. Learn from top economists and policy experts about the real costs and futility of trying to stop global warming.

Meet the leaders of think tanks and grassroots organizations who are speaking out against global warming alarmism. Don’t just wonder about global warming … understand it!

ICCC-9 takes place at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. Rooms start at only $80 per night plus fees and taxes. Fly American or United and get a discount of up to 10%! For detailed hotel and travel information, click here.

The event will start Monday, July 7, 2014 with a cocktail reception followed by dinner. On Tuesday and Wednesday, July 8-9, we will start with breakfasts featuring keynote speakers and awards ceremonies followed by sessions, lunch, more keynote speakers and more sessions. A preliminary schedule for the event is here.

An amazing line-up of speakers!

Speakers already confirmed include Fred Singer, Craig Idso, Willie Soon, Roy Spencer, Marc Morano, Christopher Monckton, and Anthony Watts. For more speakers and their bios  click here.





The past eight International Conferences on Climate Change were unqualified successes. The conferences were extensively covered by the international media and allowed more than 1,000 experts to share information and ideas regarding the latest science, economics, and politics regarding global warming. More than 4,000 people have attended an ICCC; videos of the presentations are available online at http://climateconferences.heartland.org/.


Registration is now open!

Early-bird general registration is just $129 and includes all conference meals and sessions.

Register for the event here, or call 312/377-4000 and ask for Ms. McElrath or reach her via email at zmcelrath@heartland.org.


Also in Las Vegas, July 9-12
Freedom Fest
The World’s Largest Gathering of Free Minds

FreedomFest is an annual festival where free minds meet to celebrate “great books, great ideas, and great thinkers” in an open-minded society.  It is independent, non-partisan, and not affiliated with any organization or think tank.  For more information on this event please go the Freedom Fest website FreedomFest.com


The Heartland Institute
One South Wacker Drive #2740

Chicago, IL 60606
  312/377-4000 phone *312/377-5000 fax
