A New Basic 1-Dimension 1-Layer Model Obtains Excellent Agreement With the Observed Earth Temperature

Rainer Link and Horst-Joachim Lüdecke, A New Basic 1-Dimensional 1-Layer Model Obtains Excellent Agreement With the Observed Earth Temperature, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 22, No. 5, p. 449, doi:10.1142/S0129183111016361 (2011)

The Earth radiation and energy budget is calculated by a manifold of
rather complex Global Circulation Models. Their outcome mostly
cannot identify radiation in the atmosphere or energy budget
relations. Therefore it is reasonable to look at more basic models
to identify the main aspects of the model results. The simplest one
of all of those is a 1-dimensional 1-layer model. However, most of
these models – two are discussed here – suffer the drawback that
they do not include essential contributions and relations between
the atmospheric layer and the Earth. The 1-dimensional 1-layer model
presented here integrates sensible and latent heat, the absorption
of solar radiation in the atmosphere and the direct emission of the
long wave radiation to space in addition to the standard
correlations. For the atmospheric layer two different long wave
fluxes are included, top of atmosphere to space and bulk emission to
Earth. The reflections of long wave radiations are taken into
account. It is shown that this basic model is in excellent agreement
with the observed integrated global energy budget.

The Earth radiation and energy budget is calculated by a manifold of
rather complex Global Circulation Models. Their outcome mostly
cannot identify radiation in the atmosphere or energy budget
relations. Therefore it is reasonable to look at more basic models
to identify the main aspects of the model results.
account. It is shown that this basic model is in excellent agreement
with the observed integrated global energy budget.
The simplest one of all of those is a 1-dimensional 1-layer model. However, most of
these models – two are discussed here – suffer the drawback that
they do not include essential contributions and relations between
the atmospheric layer and the Earth. The 1-dimensional 1-layer model
presented here integrates sensible and latent heat, the absorption
of solar radiation in the atmosphere and the direct emission of the
long wave radiation to space in addition to the standard
correlations. For the atmospheric layer two different long wave
fluxes are included, top of atmosphere to space and bulk emission to
Earth. The reflections of long wave radiations are taken into account. It is shown that this basic model is in excellent agreement with the observed integrated global energy budget.

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