Registration Fees – 12th International Conference on Climate and Energy

12. IKEK am 23. und 24.11.18 in München

  Private Individuals Company/ Corporate
Day Pass (Friday or Saturday)
The price includes all lunch and coffee breaks and a conference bag with a book.
60 € 150 €
Day Pass with Evening Event (Friday)
The price includes all lunch and coffee breaks and a conference bag with a book.
80 € 180 €
Full Conference (Fri.-Sat.) incl. Evening Event (Friday)
The price includes: Two lunches, all coffee breaks, dinner and conference bag with book.
130 € 280 €
Half-day Pass
Coffee breaks listed in the program are included in the conference price.
40 € 90 €
Limited number of discounted tickets for pupils, students, trainees, part-time volunteers (with proof). 45 €

Please send the conference fee:
European Institute for Climate and Energy
Volksbank Gera Jena Rudolstadt
IBAN: DE34 8309 4454 0042 4292 01

Donations to the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) are tax-deductible.

Please donate to: European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE)
Volksbank Gera Jena Rudolstadt
IBAN: DE34 8309 4454 0042 4292 01

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